About Bay Area S Scalers

The Bay Area S Scalers (BASS) is an open club for model railroad enthusiasts. We model in 1:64 scale, trying to accurately reproduce railroad equipment, buildings, scenery, and even railroad operation modeled after the real thing. 

IMG_20180916_102002461The club is informally organized. Most of our members are in central and northern California, and that is where most of our meetings are held. If you are interested in becoming a member, click here to go to our online group page. Joining the club is simply joining our online group where we announce our meetings and activities, and then participating online or in person. 

Some information about our club:

  • We meet roughly every other month at members’ homes or interesting railroad sites and events
  • We have a modular layout that is displayed in public shows
  • We use an online group for sharing ideas, latest modeling efforts, getting answers to modeling questions

There are fewer people modeling railroads in 1:64 scale than some other modeling scales. Being in the minority can be challenging, and requires some creativity. Joining with others may provide the support and camaraderie that will help you enjoy this hobby of ours.